Friday, July 6, 2007

LOVE the 4th

We had a fan-damn-tastic 4th of July again this year. Funny, we went two years in a row with Randy here, two without, two with... does this mean he'll be gone again next year? I sure hope not! There is something deeply satisfying about having him here. I know he would rather be with his unit, on their current deployment, but I am soooo very grateful he chose to stay home with us. We need him here for more than a year at a whack!
Anyway, it was a fun holiday. We watched the parade and walked around the festival and came home and napped, then went to Dad's hotel and went swimming. Late that night, Randy and I sat outside and watched the big fireworks over BYU stadium for their Stadium of Fire. It was a good end to a long day. I am really proud of myself, I didn't bawl shamelessly every time a soldier/veteran/gold star unit went by in the parade. I teared up a few times, but I didn't bawl this year!! Being married to a soldier has only enhanced the sense of pride, pain, and respect I have always had for soldiers. They are true heroes, especially the ones who join for the RIGHT reasons and not just to get money from the government. C'mon, the government doesn't even bother to pay these guys sometimes. (Yes, Randy has been gypped AGAIN. I swear it's a conspiracy!)

1 comment:

Ronna said...

I love my neurotic dog's the only reason she has survived this long, lol!!!! Seriously, she is the MOST neurotic animal I have ever met. We have to give her doggie downers sometimes. Have you ever seen a stoned dog? Lol. It is not a pretty picture.

It's good to hear from you again!!