Thursday, July 12, 2007

A Light?

Well, Randy thinks the car will be ok for our trip. I still am hoping to have his military pay before then though so we can just rent a car and KNOW we'll be ok. AND it is highly possible that is gonna happen. I threatened the military yesterday with going to the media if he doesn't have his money in a week. Guess what??? They are suddenly all over it! So we should be ok now.

In other news, I am kinda pissed at Randy for recently being in touch with a female I don't like him talking to. There is a long history behind it, and I would ask you don't jump to conclusions because it's not what you might think, but suffice it to say, I do NOT approve of communication between them. Well, Randy had me check something for him in his email the other day, and there in plain sight was an email from this person... in reply to one from him... in reply to one from her. She tends to leave us alone for months at a time then randomly pops up somewhere, and I hate that! Why can't she just leave us alone?? She makes me uncomfortable, and they both know that. Randy is claiming he doesn't even remember emailing her, that he was just replying to some message from someone who seems to know him, and that he didn't even notice that's who it was. I kinda tend to doubt that, since her opening was, "I don't know if you'll get this..." Based on the fact that I used to head her off at the pass, so to speak. Obviously, Randy wasn't as upset I used to do that as she thought he'd be, because he still has never changed his password! Anyway, I totally trust my hubby. This girl is no threat to me. But I still wish she'd just leave us alone already!


Sarah said...

Ok this might be a little evil, but can you report her email as spam and so it gets rejected the next time she tries to email.

Just a thought

Hope you get your $$$$ soon.


Danielle said...

Oh if only it were that easy. She's decided to be mortally offended by my blog and has decided to attack me on hers, with a link back to mine. So it looks like I have no choice but to make it private, which sucks, because it's a great way to make friends! Not to mention, people without a blogger account won't be able to request permission to view it. *sigh* This girl needs a serious kick in the pants, not to mention a refresher course in what is and is not appropriate behavior among married adults!

Mel said...

I'm with you.... The emails are totally inappropriate. It doesn't even matter what is being said, but just the fact that it bothers you is enough.