Thursday, May 24, 2007

Day 1!

Of summer vacation with the little princess. So far, so good. She has spent a good deal of time outside and in her room playing with her brother. Now she's coloring. I think her brother is going to love having her around more to play with. I, on the other hand, may go nuts not having her gone for 3 hours a day, 4 days a week. I am glad though that they get along so well; I know if they get to be too much, I can always send them to their room and let them be for a while. Only a while though, Nathaniel is quite the little monkey and I oftentimes will find stuff up on their highest shelf has somehow found it's way to the floor...
Our car got hit yesterday by a lady backing out of a parking spot at a gas station. Not real happy about that. The car doesn't look bad at all, but the quote Randy got to fix it all is $1700. We figure we can always just fix what HAS to be fixed and use the rest to fix other things that have been an issue lately. Don't know though, he hasn't talked to the lady today to give her the estimates. Life goes on though. We are counting down to Julia's big PIRATE PARTY on Saturday. 5 years have gone by so fast and yet so slow! I want time to slow down for a while though... before my kids are celebrating their kids' 5th birthdays...

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