Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My cocktail

I am currently on the following meds:
2 kinds of insulin (diabetes)
diclofenac (arthritis)
cyclobenzaprine (fibromyalgia)
lamictal (bipolar)

I am going on:
depakote (switching the bipolar med)
ACE inhibitor (kidney damage)
Actonel (early stage osteoporosis)

Eventually, when the blood sugar is under tight control, we will be adding Abilify (for the bipolar and fibromyalgia).

I am still exhausted, still in pain, still having mood swings. Someday, we'll get it down perfectly. Fun times.

1 comment:

Lisa M. said...

Nellie-- I like the idea of changing things up to see if it will help. I know it makes a disaster for a while.

I hope that you can make it through it, intact!

I think abilify is a great drug, and I am also a fan of depakote.

Good luck! I love how you put it all out there. You're super.